Residential Plumbers and Water Heaters

Plumbers Woodland Hills install, repair, and maintain piping in household plumbing systems. Their responsibilities also include installing and repairing water heaters.

They often deal with clogged drains and other common household plumbing problems. However, they may also work on larger-scale plumbing projects for offices, hospitals, malls, and other large-scale establishments.

residential plumbing

Nearly every homeowner experiences a drain clog at one point or another. Clogged drains not only create a stinky, backed-up mess but can also lead to mold and other water damage in your home. It is important to address these issues before they become worse.

A residential plumber can diagnose and repair the root cause of your clogged drains. Clogged pipes can be caused by a variety of things, including hair, food, soap scum, grease and other debris. In some cases, a clog can be caused by the build-up of tree roots or even by the collapse of a section of pipe.

Most clogs are caused by a build-up of materials that eventually stops water flow in the pipes. A few of the most common causes of clogged drains include:

Many household products can be put down your drains, including coffee grounds, egg shells, tea bags, hot sauce and oil. When these products cool down, they solidify and stick to the insides of your pipes, blocking them.

Hard water can wreak havoc on your pipes, creating minerals that slowly build up and block all drains in your house. To prevent this problem, you should have a water softener installed in your home.

Toilet paper, “flushable” wipes and tampons can easily clog your home’s drains. These products don’t break down like other materials, so they can clog your pipes for weeks or even months.

If you’ve tried some of the easy DIY methods for unclogging a drain and it didn’t work, it’s time to call in a professional. Plumbing companies have tools that can reach and clear clogs no matter where they are in your pipes.

If a single drain in your home isn’t functioning properly, it could be an indication that there is a bigger problem with your sewer or water line. Contact your plumber to schedule a camera inspection of your pipes to see what’s going on in there. You may need to replace your entire pipe system if a clog is located deep in the lines.

Your home’s sewer line takes wastewater and other debris away from the house, connecting it to your city’s sewage system or another connection point. If your home’s sewer lines become damaged, it can lead to clogs, leaks, and other serious issues. While at-home fixes like plungers and drain snakes can sometimes unclog a single pipe, severe clogs require professional cleaning or hydro-jetting equipment to clear out the entire line.

If you suspect your sewer line is damaged, call a residential plumber right away. Licensed plumbers have years of technical training and experience diagnosing and fixing problems with sewer lines. They also have access to advanced tools and repair methods, such as trenchless technology that minimizes property damage. Plus, they can work quickly to prevent further damage from sewage backups or other complications.

There are several signs your sewer line may be in need of repair or replacement:

Sewer water backing up into your house — if your basement, bathroom, or kitchen drains start to back up, this is a sign that the main sewer line has a problem. This is typically caused by a blockage or broken pipe. The plumber will likely need to dig up the section of pipe to determine the cause, and then either clear the clog or install a new pipe.

The smell of sewage — If you notice that your home’s drains have an unpleasant or even overpowering odor, this could indicate a sewer line problem. The smell is created when sewage escapes from the damaged pipes and mixes with air, causing it to smell. In some cases, the odor may not be as strong but can still be noticeable.

An indentation in your yard — If you see an area of your lawn that appears darker or greener than the surrounding areas, it’s possible that the sewer line is leaking sewage into the ground. This can create a minor biohazard in your home and yard.

While DIY sewer line repairs are possible, they’re usually not worth the hassle. Without the proper tools and training, you could risk injury or illness from contact with raw sewage. In addition, attempting a DIY repair can lead to further damage and costly repairs down the road.

Faucets are an essential part of our daily lives. They give us water for cooking, drinking, and bathing and can be found throughout the house. When they break or stop working properly, it can make our day-to-day tasks more difficult. That is why it’s so important to have a reliable plumber you can count on for faucet installation and repair.

A leaking or broken faucet is not only a major nuisance, it can also waste hundreds of gallons of water each month and lead to more serious plumbing problems down the line. Residential plumbers are trained to quickly identify and repair leaky faucets in order to minimize damage and save you money.

The first thing a plumber will do is shut off the water to the faucet in question, then take a look at the faucet itself and determine what is wrong with it. They may be able to spot the problem right away, but sometimes they will need to disassemble the faucet in order to access the internal parts and fix them. This is when a decent set of tools like slip joint pliers or a basin wrench will come in handy.

If the issue is more severe, your plumber will likely recommend a new faucet for installation. They can help you find the perfect replacement for your bathroom or kitchen sink, and can even install it for you! There are many different types of faucets out there, including single and double-handle styles, pull-down designs, commercial-grade, and spray nozzle add-ons. So, whatever you need, your plumber will be able to find it for you and get it installed in no time.

Another common problem that residential plumbers deal with is a noisy or dripping faucet. These can be caused by several factors, and fixing them may require more extensive work than simply replacing the washers or O-rings. For example, if the faucet screams or whistles when turned on or off, it’s probably a sign that your pipes are too small or restricted by sediment, and this is a much more involved repair.

When it comes to water heaters, the best way to prevent major problems is with regular maintenance. A good plumber will help you keep on top of this maintenance, advising you when the anode rod — also known as the sacrificial rod — needs replacing. The anode rod is a metal probe that sits inside the tank and collects corrosive elements that would otherwise eat through the tank wall. It should be replaced about every three years, and you can do it yourself or hire a plumber to do it for you.

Other clues that your water heater is on its last legs include a musty smell and discolored water. Pay attention to these small issues, and you’ll be able to spot problems before they become full-blown emergencies. While some homeowners try to fix their own plumbing issues, it’s always a better idea to leave the job to a licensed professional. Not only will you get the job done right, but you’ll save money in the long run. And, if there’s a problem after the repair, your plumber will be there to correct it.